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Learn about why our staff is so passionate

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2020-21 were very challenging years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. NewBridge staff pivoted multiple times to meet the critical needs of older adults and face the challenges brought on by working remotely. Thanks to collaborations developed with local restaurants and food pantries, and assistance from volunteer drivers and Transit Solutions, NewBridge was able to meet the most critical need of getting food to older adults confined to their homes. Our staff made weekly check-in calls to older adults and our case managers helped older adults address other issues that became even more difficult to resolve because of the pandemic. NewBridge started a volunteer Bridge Buddies program to provide additional support for older adults feeling isolated and in need of additional conversation. NewBridge began providing on-line activities and exercise classes for older adults with computers. The community support NewBridge received from our Friends of NewBridge, local businesses, foundations and many other wonderful donors was instrumental in allowing us to provide food and other essential goods to thousands of older adults in the community. Thank you all!

I am 73 years old. My case manager has helped me connect to community resources and even going to bat for me; getting utilities relief, help with my quest card, keeping up with apartment cleaning needs, and troubleshooting other needs. Knowing NewBridge and my case manager are there for me, helps me to live a more stress-free life. They represent hope for me, even in the dark days. God bless NewBridge for being there for us!!
— NewBridge Case Managed Client



43,279 Takeout Meals

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104 Guardian & Rep. Payee Clients


7,141 Activity Participants

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10,721 Case Managment Hours


335 Home Chore Clients


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653 Necessity Kit Deliveries

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79 Diversity & Inclusion Participants

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42 Bridge Buddy Clients

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